From BRQ airport in Brno to city center

Public transportation from Brno airport

Day route from airport:

E76 Estimated duration is 28 mins.
E76 6 stops to Úzká ( 15 mins - 10.0 km )

This route will take you to city center of Brno during daylight.

Night route from airport:

N89 Estimated duration is 32 mins.
N89 20 stops to Šilingrovo Náměstí ( 27 mins - 13.3 km )

This route will take you to city center of Brno during night.

Airport Transfers from Brno–Tuřany Airport

BRQ Airport overview

Airport details

Name Brno–Tuřany Airport
Actual time 23:35
Actual date 2025/02/22